Sunday, September 27, 2009

It is Monday morning in Nauru, and we have been here 4 days. Three days it has rained, and 2 days we have had power outages and been operating on the generator. I was told that is not an unusual series of events. Oh, brother! Our first Sunday was great! We had 30 in attendance, even though it was pouring down rain and we drove through DEEP water to pick up a few of the people. Bro. Adam has a 4-wheel drive that pulls the "wagon" that picks up the folks. BTW, anyone wishing to email, please use as the hotmail service is SO SLOW I cannot open anything. Too much advertising, etc. Will post a pic ASAP. Thanks for your prayers ... don't stop! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I was so happy to hear from you guys! The picture I am getting is pretty interesting :)... I just know that this experience is going to be such an important time for you... I cannot place it, but just know it.. I really loved talking to daddy. I know you will be back soon. I sometimes have been looking up at the sky in my early morning time and thinking of you guys and praying for your safety. You should have heard Savannah praying for you this morning. She said something like "please keep grandma and papa safe while they are on the island, and make them stay healthy and not sick, and well...just bring them back home to me :)" lots of love and everything is just fine, fine just fine here.
