Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving this week, and trust you enjoy your time with friends and family. Here's a thought ... as you gather together, take a moment to say a prayer for your missionaries, whoever they are and wherever they are. This is not a special prayer request from Nauru, but think of this ... No matter how careful we are to wash our hands, take our vitamins, look both ways before we cross the street, we are indeed in the Lord's hands and the recipient of His mercy and watchcare. What a lot we have to be thankful for!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

As I mentioned, I have been reading some Nauruan history.
"The rat belongs to a harmless species .. which arrived from Japan on a ship. The rat is often a protagonist in legends, and symbolizes the ungrateful type, even so, the rat does not arouse any hostility."
This is a quote from the book, and now I will tell you why this was particularly interesting to me this week.

I have been able to continue working (sort of) while living here on this small island halfway around the world. The reliability of both electricity and internet service is sketchy, but the whole concept that I am able to work at all is still quite amazing to me. When in the US, I can work in the comfort and security of my own home; however, while here I must go to a central office where there is a LAN connection. On Friday, just as I was finishing up my last job, something caught my eye and as I looked over my shoulder I saw something run across the floor about 3-4 feet behind me. As I focused in on this "shadow" I recognized it as none other than a rat, tail included about a foot long! Unable to get past the manager's office door which was closed, he promptly climbed the wall, ran down the counter and behind the receptionist's monitor. She was facing the opposite direction totally unaware of the visitor. Across the room a girl (about 10 years old) was grinning ear to ear, but not the least bit alarmed. I, on the other hand, closed up shop and called it a day. I was sitting there wearing flipflops and the thought of this "harmless species" running across my feet or worse, biting my toes, gave me the creeps! I must admit, this had a more profound effect on me than the mice behind the apple box. I am scheduled to return to work on Monday .. I certainly hope the rat does not!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Have been reading some Nauruan history this past week. The island must have been a really beautiful place when the first outsiders came across it. I am always interested in history and how people relied upon their environment. In particular the coconut tree is called the "tree of life." Was told this week that you could build your entire house from the coconut tree plus sustain good health from the fruit. Think this is just amazing and what a testament to God's creation. The arrival of outsiders to this island cannot improve upon that!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Update! The ship came in! About 10 days after we saw the supply ship off the coast, the shops began to set out some new products. I kept my eye peeled for the new supply of bread (see previous post), and voila! ... new bread, best used by Sep 26! ... At this rate, I don't believe it will have the chance to catch up with me. But it really does make quite nice toast!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Enjoyed a "Nauruan BBQ" recently, beautiful setting on the beach. One lady "wove" the plates with palm tree leaves and another split a bamboo branch making a set of tongs to turn the meat. We enjoyed the freshly caught tuna on the grill; however, everyone else preferred it raw! After a full afternoon of sun and fun, we loaded up the trusty wagon and got everyone home just after dark. The next day (Sunday) everyone wanted to know when the next BBQ would be!